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tv   Documentary  RT  January 17, 2018 6:30pm-7:01pm EST

6:30 pm
critics in the west said bolivia had effectively legalized child labor government since the laws protect the point somehow for the young. to loot. and so all the new rules work as the situation got better since two thousand and four see. we working to eliminate. the child but step by step and so there was this five year plan right so yes by two thousand and ninety yeah they want to say. no must basically i think i know it's very difficult to say no math because it's only five years but it's you know it's
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a huge it's a high i don't know how you say made. by the level of yes yes yes yes yes you aim high end for the stars yes yes it's very. it's very high. but you know in the last ten years. to make a big thinks. you can think and believe we. certainly to live in this space we have. one. right now you can think and believe me we. with all the kids in the school we have this reality right now. that. this has been the end of. this about one hundred
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million other money to put for. those dozen countries and incentives for these i knew. it was because. the for. some guy with the thirteen fourteen years tried to selling you this is maybe you them know about it but if you see i chatted with thing years in the cold. you know you understand yeah of course when they try to say because you were because you think. this is a strategy. for us is this just so you send the young little kid out and he of course looks the pause and then you make more money of course and the pirates. dunny and. you make more money because
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it's child this is a from. the only. real one the senate since. nine eleven there's an army or understand this in. this. sequence a number. of and then you seem very latina first and you know i gave you and i think of course just as. you may remember secondary verse. came to the primary ok man if we had enough front of and a handful of. now and believe we see the problem with new eyes you know we have a new low it's different this is the past this is not geneva.
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they they make the laws international loans in honor places but you need to see the reality here. in. the little one the sand. on the sand is the nominee. leave easy one to. the end on. come to think here comes the news for you know what it's like to look in nature like the bible about not just shooting. things i'm talking and listening to you from the six o'clock to the tunnel of love maybe i can see when you see that how does that make you feel of course i feel sad. i feel like.
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i don't know the word but they respond as a simple bend yeah yeah it was an incident now you want to help but of course of course people want to help. you know why. you love them or. shut up but just purchased. the reality in bolivia is that the economy has improved in the last decade but that around sixty percent of people still live below the poverty line they do what they have to to survive and for many children it means juggling school with a full time job. oh .
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love your songs so funny little one lasts for a moment and then we puff puff l.t. thumb the salmon house and i eat it yes our son will need that blow game. feels. he hates me. lives in the suburbs of the past. life is a daily struggle for her parents who can't make ends meet on the plane. he's been contributing to the family budget for of attributes.
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and my anger without having to display. a human voice. it is pleasant and look like a rabbit and you think something will kill you that having a food will ever goes wherever. things if i. am an innocent one time in seven silver flat don't mind out even with that last. part that last. brought up in my list get on with. life which is the chicken. and the fish food so if i found that little time is it on my that does because in
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the us a clever having them spend it on a hunch simple that's not so about us that in two months no i don't couple that uncle was not so my mam until commanding this it was done for. your liver and then waits. on loan going to get that it's. been. misused in the field to student this. and with if this image going to put it but. i doubt doesn't want to buy this amp or chemist or the other man that they call a hero. vocal governing weathermen got that out of my body that can make them on the boil and sing and i mean. put us in the look then with. better luck to the table but also. you put us in with the books that are most. democrats and their grandmother this is the members you. get up and.
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just today after maria has been. listening to her gunman. walked into the army plus as put it to now among the million not that i hadn't been for the better. part of the economy come the little kid her name. was. going by we're just glad i will not stand was a must like the back. room. rewarded food. truck or not those. who were just through school started yelling at them. both of. us. vs.
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not as big dream but those dreams require a good education i want you want to be when you grow up. adult laughs. why do you want to be you know. a little of a little skin mother of eighty and plan on this will just be as a rule that he kicked our ass closest supporters to the senate are a special must get nation on love an equal level as our last risky she'll. be thinking before. her. hey everybody i'm stephen bob. taft hollywood guy usual suspects every proud american first of all i'm just george washington and r.v. and to suggest this is my buddy max famous financial guru and well just a little bit different i'm out of the room one can find i know no one knows up with all the drama happening in our country i'm shooting the road have some fun meet
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every day americans call me closely start to bridge the gap this is the great american people which. join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guests of the world of politics sport that's less i'm show business i'll see that. the two thousand and eight economic crisis turns some countries into pigs these are the countries with we korea colonies that needed austerity policies if you are in a situation of flow bloat even the recession austerity is a very bad idea it doesn't work and it makes millions of people very unhappy those
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who are unemployed see their wages decline off to almost a decade how good are the results she saw lho said to new york peaceful by the people gathered in which the wider world get people to see what you are doing a choice between three to be in full view she thought the climate was i mean to for legal. challenge must be more that if she did not was always think it she somehow they cannot get it out. while the same measure is still in place to one of the consequences is to weaken blue bird flu dispute over who will first one of the slew truthy consider is the consequences are actually quite acceptable to the decision vary from. country.
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to. offer the uppermost the best hurt us in the world out of this thing through the silent of us and they would confer in their tempers and those of us friends there that want to see us things that uncle means i mean was he putting. says it you know. i mean that's what they asked him what the commodity one of us hanging just going is that when it looked like. so much more tame. but i doubt it's going to get them on my but i was. there was one of eight brothers and sisters being raised by a widowed mother the children's card is meant he's been able to find work as a cleaner in the local cemetery. but
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then and that is this is. the sentiment. not get their hands to do is focus on. nothing else but i haven't missed. that little game and that's what it was it was yesterday stuff yeah. people when i'm asked. about that.
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then he goes again i'm on. my legs but our king has he not. so much. of a. reason. so . the last one has. that bomb us has put out one of the credit. has more to a separate last one yes that's one yes m.p.'s and i was wrong. the last. has long been. in the loop was make it on both with the end but. not all one thing i want at that time of the game but. that's at least. the new book eat as the payload.
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i was that yes is that what it was. and broke at this and this is not willful then it is a. he said as there may be sinister. he says to the. better off and the one who prefers. name first this. is the gate that one. of them enough to. marry some one b.n. thing only to hang. this guy who is at. home with
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cancer more want to. be. eastern. than. that. for quito and no idea the children's code is meant they can legally end the extra money they badly need she can help her mother in the market and his job at the cemetery wouldn't exist without it but there are hundreds of thousands of children in bolivia operating completely outside the law. sort of like something out of a movie i get the feeling i'm in some sort of wild west goldmine these old wooden poles on everything up.
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i'm not built for spaces like. definitely not for the people around me is that in the end and as it became i have. to. keep this. book in the. company of the. mrs this year is. at sixty and kate will also be a going down was that this was
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a book. that i mean to tell them i'm going to write is not really concerned except maybe of money and it did live with. both radio and his brother have been working on these mine since they were ten years old if they stay here it's unlikely they'll see forty and one it was hard enough and only the hammer. the lack of oxygen and just hand tools. to have his kids to know that's all day in day out. so they really close in. everything with freddy when richard are doing is completely illegal. mining work is strictly forbidden by the children's kind but it's never enforced. all that. sort of thing. because. i. always.
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hope that. ok. ok. well. i've just said. that. well this is so we are. lawyers and i mean. better they don't divorce i got blood. so i mean i was. gonna get a look at all that up then your point about how. i said so how do you know i mean what a game and i mean as believe it was. a children's code should protect wolf radio
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and his brothers but up here it seems it doesn't apply i. don't know is a former child minder an activist who tries to look after the families i'm sorry come. golden says last him was for him. to raise the mrs been. fairly hit on by. so much that is is that i keep. on spending as much time as the difference for the ex this is for the poor luther king permitted oh. it was funny to think. then there are see the blood. families say game was almost done
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was a long. sig it was robust she was. a. good person like it was funny. and. then point at the weather map on the. weather is that. the play the bennett image by the. way the a c s and then look at them with. me. as gussie just thought it of this chappie this was easy. to see here is responsible for the safety of equipment here she simply can't afford for thieves to get anywhere near it and that's why she always has a supply of dynamite nearby it's a very effective way of warning them off. us if they get too close as the bugs out
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of us with a. new. one and if any equipment is stolen has to pay for it she doesn't mess around when it comes to thieves yeah ok that's just concept. to do. i serious. now they have and that. is the main thing a. lot of trouble which will unfold a month on a simple accidental. eisenman. a perilous knows by those nino's. they're not small kid or mobile is just on an island of. nias mountain in the protium united but
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in a mild and protests are consequential informal they look and listen in time the end it will influence is will carry protect you not in another game you don't lie i mean little did told in no. news that. young men. only don't know now the leader they had it's funny they had it's nino's the basis they don't really get to be the key in a better state than sound a nation but. the better they learn to put. it had done you good then it's your doing better why is it you that i work on the boat it's news but it's funny to us but this isn't the be the. what it knows what the simple as typed in some good news but look you know. that i must say i gave up or you just
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i don't b. and it's funny you know that's not news but as babe it was those. who. took it took him. to. sources in the bolivian government insists the children's code is working but overall numbers of workers it down and that illegal child labor is have almost home since two thousand and eight. they say that tackling dangerous work is now a top policy priority. but they haven't offered the people of center rico an alternative and that means the schoolboy minus here continue risking their lives for the money they need to survive they still believe they'll get more help from t.o. for the first the devil of the pits than they will do from their own lawmakers.
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the new global economic war is unfolding in the realm of education the right to education is being supplanted by the right to access education. higher education is becoming just another product that can be pulled and sold but it's not just about education anymore it's also about running a business and what you good. luck with these songs. really couldn't be. more is the place of students in this business model before college i was born now i'm an extremely more higher education the new global economic war. drive to medication is widespread on the us market and a frequent cause of death at that point in my life i just felt like everything with
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my family was literally coming unglued i had actually planned. to commit suicide watch all who has made antidepressants so commonly used we were doing what the doctors told us to do we were being responsible and what the real side effects. was literally all to what i did was done on a cocktail of lethal drugs. just because something's legal doesn't mean it's something. is must going to fit in to steve jobs kids by coming up with innovative products you know the electronic gadgets market is a little bit different in the car business because the car business is in a kind of bound by the highway system and you're bound by the whole infrastructure that is the automotive industry and the lobbying of the automotive industry so it's a bit difficult to be disruptive in that industry in
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a way he's going to open up is charging stations with one nine hundred fifty style burger and share. joints with servers on roller skates ok that's that's an idea that might take off that might be a new like starbucks like third place that people go to to have an experience that might work. on the stand from us. move from what. i know a good armor on a trophy and there are rather you know stuff across the floor for america as a. family and that compared to my next question then you can there and kick and. i don't think is a channel for truffle that it. doesn't work now
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molly hi michelle the top. ten best seller around the hey how you want to do it. it's whole food plus choice where you got the i knew where you're from and hey i think i'm in serious said. he she ought to have a. model for that in there for the forefront around the mr hates it for jim and then we're for whole foods are for the menu for. the money. the. the.
7:00 pm
the us. president says it's very possible the north korean crisis can be resolved peacefully despite the two careers and going to compete under one flag at the winter olympics. the u.n. agency for palestinian refugees found america's decision to cut the organizations founding calling it the worst crisis in its history buffs and. there are russian agents parlous right now with. lies and lies and lies being told throughout europe and we hear the same story over and over again talk about russia dominates in the european parliament with members clashing over.


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